12 May 2015


No commentary needed...just RTWT.

After World War II America was flush with success, they had used their ingenuity, their determination and penchant for hard work to defeat every foe on Earth.  They had, by 1945, the ability to annihilate any nation that stood against it.  A lot of other countries would have used that power to control the world, to demand homage be paid; to blackmail.  Even as we recognized that the Soviet Union would become an ardent adversary we did not use our power to destroy it. That is American and it is exceptional in the annals of history.

So, today, we face those same Marxists, even if they were born in America into long-standing capitalist fortunes, they have never been truly American. Being American is not a race, or even an ethnicity, it is an understanding that liberty is the cornerstone, the very source of fantastic achievements and innovations that propel a nation and its people into greatness.  Without it, we are just like the rest of the world, bound up and stifled by regulations and government oversight of every thought.

There is a thing such as American exceptionalism.  In liberty we are exceptional, in restraint we are not.  To save this nation from the horrors of Marxist rule we must embrace the idea that liberty itself, privacy and freedom from regulation are essential, not just to prosperity, but to survival. A weakened nation, as we currently are due to the detour we have taken from this simple understanding, cannot long avoid the attacks of overseas powers who seek our destruction, be that North Korea, Russia, China or ISIS. 
Seriously...READ IT.

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