21 August 2015

So, there's this one guy...

I'm going to say a few things here that may be cryptic to some of my readers.  If you don't get it, don't worry about it.

I've always had a funny feeling about this person.  He claims to be a Patriot, but there always seemed something suspicious about him.  I couldn't quite put my finger on it, however, and I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.  Being a Christian, and trying to be a man of honor, I do not want to bear false witness, even mistakenly.  So I'll just post my observations here and let you draw your own conclusions.

This man runs a blog on Blogger--a public and unsecured site.

He associates with a known con man who claims to be a "chaplain," even though this 'reformed' con man was cold busted running a con mere days after he claimed to have come to Christ(Hell is REALLY unpleasant, buddy, and it lasts FOREVER).

He's posted a number of polls asking questions like "How well trained are you?"  "Do you have military experience?"  "Are you a team or a lone wolf?"  "How many Patriots in your AO?"  "How quick can you muster?"  On Blogger--a public and unsecured site.  This is intel that does not need to be shared online.

No matter how good you think you are at IT security, the Forces of Evil are better.  The instant you answer those questions, they know immediately who you are, where you are and what you said.  Only a truly stupid man would do that, and--as you can tell from this man's writing--he is not stupid.

Just sayin'...

10 August 2015

Desert island punditry

Commentators, pundits and political junkies across the nation and around the world are dissin' on The Donald pretty much nonstop.  They can't understand why so many people support him.  In the case of folks like Matt Walsh, they're positively angry that the Trumpsters supposedly 'aren't taking the political process seriously.'

I love ya, Matt, but that's like saying we're not taking a Monty Python movie seriously.  "I would have liked to think that conservatives wouldn’t fall for the Obama Cult of Personality shtick, but they have."  Dude, for real?  Is that what you think this is about?  Not even close.

I might point out that Mr. Trump has actually built a successful business empire by creating products and services that people wanted to buy, not by force, graft and shadowy donations.  I might point out that Mr. Trump doesn't really care what the Mushroom Media thinks of him, and is actually capable of breaking wind without consulting 27 polls first.  I might point out that Mr. Trump is seen as something new and different in an era of worn-out sequels like 'Clinton On K Street II' and 'Night Of The Living Bush III.'  I'm certain that these things are important to some of the Trumpsters, but I feel safe in saying that many of them don't really care about any of this.

We've simply recognized reality:  The American political process is corrupt to the core.  It's nothing but a dog-and-pony show, and we're NOT voting our way out of this.  PERIOD(no debate pun intended).   Let me illustrate in pictures, for those of you who don't quite get it:

And we've basically given up on folks like yourselves who still cling to this farce.  You remind us of the Japanese soldiers they kept finding on desert islands all the way up into the 21st Century, still fighting World War II, absolutely certain that the Land of the Rising Sun would never surrender to a bunch of round-eyed barbarians.  Even if Mr. Trump--or whoever wins--turns out to be the Second Coming of Ronald Reagan, it's too late.  It is now both culturally and mathematically impossible to reverse this kamikaze dive we're in.  Short of a miracle straight from the Lord our God, it can't be done. And considering our actions over the past couple of generations, He damn sure doesn't owe us any favors.

The war for liberty in America is over.  We lost.  All we can do now is accelerate the collapse and prepare to come out fighting on the other side.  And in the meantime, if we can enjoy the spectacle of Statist Party D, Statist Party R and the Mushroom Media all losing their tiny little minds over being told that at least one person simply doesn't give a fart in a windstorm what they think, that's pretty awesome.  If we'd had more of that attitude over the past few decades, America might have survived.

In the meantime, let it burn and pass the marshmallows.