Short Little Rebel posts a rebuttal to a leftist op-ed. Within 24 hours, her blog is torpedoed by Wordpress.
Copy, paste and spread this far and wide, if for no other reason than to give the bird to those who would censor us.
I attempted to respond to #MatthewDowd’s op-ed piece in ABC News ,
online, but for some reason, they kept deleting all my comments. I
have no doubt that this was because I was stating facts that proved his
piece ridiculous in every way. I posted comments complaining about the
deletion and they deleted those as well. Thus, it was clearly not a
matter of length or spam or even ‘too many links’, etc. They simply
didn’t like the content. Thus, I have no recourse but to write my own
article and link to theirs. #MatthewDowd states, in his op-ed,
‘Is he [Trump] responsible for
fomenting coarseness, tribalism and hatred in our political discourse
that seems to have emboldened the most radical of these white
supremacists? Absolutely.”
#MatthewDowd, you base this incredible conclusion on a slippery slope
argument, minus any actual ‘facts’ other than what you simply state as
true in this ridiculous op ed. You claim that ‘white supremacists’ cheer
Trump on with all his policies- proof? Who, when and where? Names and
dates? Organizations? Just because individuals go to a Trump rally and
also happen to espouse white supremacist values doesn’t mean that Trump
created those values in that individual. They had those values before
they came to his rally. Also, it doesn’t necessarily follow that just
because they like Trump, that Trump agrees or is sympathetic toward
their ideas. Nor does it follow that because they like Trump’s ideas
that their ideas are aligned in any way. Their ideas can simply
intersect in a small way that is acceptable to the insane person. By no
means does that small intersection then mean that Trump is espousing
white supremacist values or supporting white supremacy in any way.
White supremacy is a mental and spiritual illness. It’s not rational.
But it must find a home in a political platform- just as socialist
dictatorship must find a home. Socialist dictatorships will find their
homes in the Liberal Democratic party. Does that automatically follow
that every Democrat with insane Mussolini types in the crowd are now
automatically Mussolini? No. But you knew that before you wrote this
piece. Or, if you didn’t, then you shouldn’t be writing for ABC.
Furthermore, you state that Trump should apologize. This implies
that Trump is now responsible for the recent spate of shootings- ie, the
recent shooting at the Jewish synagogue. You are a hypocrite, because
within this same soppy op ed, you predictably stand up for Islam. You
claim that,
fact, the greatest number of acts of terror over that time has not been
by radical Islam, or immigrants or refugees, or antifa, but by white
There are several things wrong with this remarkable claim but let’s
address them one by one. First, the common liberal notion behind your
protection of Islam is that while some ‘fringe elements of peaceful
Islam have ‘hijacked’ Islam and thrown acid on women’s faces, cut off
women’s private parts, blown up the trade towers, murdered thousands of
Americans, shot up gay night clubs, shot up our military bases, shot up
their office workers, beheaded people in N.J., and performed honor
killings here- all in the name of Allah.. they don’t represent the ‘true
religion’ of Islam and thus, you can’t blame Islam, correct? And yet, you turn right around in this lazy, illogical piece and say,
“The best leaders at times like this give people a sense of hope and a vision of the promised land. They are unifying and don’t look for enemies or particular demographic groups to blame. They
appeal to inherent values we all feel and want in this world by hopeful
language and policy guided by reality and not false promises.”
You dare to tell Trump not to blame the news or Obama or the
Democrats or even the individual who shot up the synagogue for the
crimes that are committed. You don’t blame Islam for the individuals
who murder in its name. Yet, YOU blame the entire hate group, white
supremacists, for ONE man’s actions. Even though neither the Aryan
nation, nor any other white supremacist group has claimed responsibility
for any of the shootings done by any of the killers who killed anyone
under Trump’s’ presidency!!! Even though ISLAM and the religious groups
that serve it PROUDLY claim responsibility for ALL the killings done by
its followers who scream, ‘Allahu Akbar!’ as they tear our buildings
down and shoot up our unarmed soldiers at Ft. Hood. Islam, which
preaches death, destruction, murder, honor killings of women, etc FROM
THE PULPIT gets a free pass from you? YOU also personally blame Trump
for something that he didn’t do. HE didn’t pull the trigger on that gun
or form the KKK, which existed generations before he was ever born.
WHO is the hypocrite here? For someone telling the president not to play the blame game, you sure play it expertly.
Let’s now evaluate your so-called ‘facts’ where you state that, “he
greatest number of acts of terror over that time has not been by
radical Islam, or immigrants or refugees, or antifa, but by white
supremacists” over the last two years.
I just checked on the number of RACE RIOTS between Jan 1, 2009 to
present in the United States and do you know how many occured under
Obama in the name of RACE that were instigated by DEMOCRATS? ELEVEN (not
counting the predictable MAYDAY riot). Within these race riots were
murders, knifings and beatings, along with property damages amounting to
hundreds of millions of dollars- all in the name of political change.
This could easily fit into the definition of ‘terror’.
Know how many race riots have occured under Trump? TWO (not counting the predictable MAYDAY riot).
Know how many race riots there were in the eight years BEFORE Obama? TWO.
Know how many race riots (addressing Black American concerns) there were in the eight years before that? TWO
Conclusion: Obama
started the modern rash of Black riots in America. I lived those years
and remember feeling that exact thing- it was under Obama that race
relations soured horribly in America- before that, we had peace and
tranquility between races- it was HIM and his rhetoric that made things
horrible. And now, Obama and his illegal ‘presidential war chest’ he
collected during his second term is funding the media and social media
war to continue the race baiting to further deteriorate race relations
in this nation. It’s not Trump who began this problem, the STATS and
FACTS demonstrate that it was OBAMA.
Know how many riots were STARTED by liberal democrats IN THE NAME of
political change, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in
damages to private property, stabbings, shootings, death and injuries
from Obama’s inauguration to today? (that meets the definition of
terrorism, by the way)? THIRTY.
Know how many were STARTED by ANY conservative group, let alone skinheads or white supremacists? ONE.
And that was the 2016 Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife
Refuge, which wasn’t actually a riot. No one was killed except one
person, shot in the back by federal agents, occupying the refuge. No
loss of private or public property was incurred.
Thus, every riot since Obama, except two, from Jan 1, 2009 to today
was STARTED by progressive democrat liberals. The only one (not
including Malheur) not started explicitly by a liberal organization is
the 2010 Springfest riot at James Madison University which was a wild
party gone wrong.
In my mind, this includes the 2017 Unite the Right white supremacist
rallies that would have gone unnoticed had the progressive liberals not
decided to counterprotest OUTSIDE their permit boundaries and into the
white supremacist permit boundaries. As usual, the liberals used
pushing, shoving, yelling and violence directly in the physical faces of
the rightful permit holders for that area. The predictable result:
violence. The permit holders for the allegedly peaceful counterprotest
was supposed to be blocks away from the white supremacists. Past and
recent experience with white supremacist rallies has proven that they
are poorly attended and laughable. This points to the real reason that
liberals decided to rally- at two locations- in 2017- they knew that
part of the white supremacist rally would be attended by legitimate
protestors who sincerely didn’t want the removal of the Confederate
monuments. They were hoping for chaos and confusion to obfuscate the
entire legitimate protest. They largely succeeded. They haven’t
bothered counter protesting any white supremacist rallies since- just as
they didn’t bother counter protesting before 2017. The recent white
supremacist rallies were once again laughably unattended.
Absolutely ZERO riots have been initiated, endorsed or claimed by a single Christian organization.
Don’t believe me for any of these REAL FACTS? Here’s the well known progressive liberal leaning wikipedia link:
#Blacklivesmatter was created in 2013, UNDER OBAMA. This is one the
most extreme race baiting organizations in American Relationships.
#Blacklivesmatter and the protests under its name have results in
hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars of damages to private
property. Rallies and riots in its name have resulted in knifings,
beatings, and killings. What would happen if we created a
#WhiteLivesMatter group that made racists statements equal to that
group? We’d have riots on our streets for sure. And private businesses
would pay the same price they paid under Obama’s leadership.
Before we move forward to examine statistics over the next two years
concerning ‘terrorist’ attacks in the United States, let us define
‘terrorist attack’:
“Under current United States law, set forth in the USA PATRIOT Act,
acts of domestic terrorism are those which: “(A) involve acts dangerous
to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United
States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or
coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a
government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct
of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United
States.”[2] [3] [4]
Thus, no mere criminal act of an individual can be considered a
‘terrorist attack’. There must be a political motivation behind the
attack that wishes to coerce our People or nation to DO something as a
result of their action. Let’s be very clear about that. #MatthewDowd
has not been clear about that and that is why his alleged ‘data’ is
invalid. If his alleged ‘data’ is invalid, his argument falls down like
a flimsy deck of cards.
Let’s now evaluate the number of Islamic terror attacks versus the
number of white supremacist terror attacks over the last two years.
First, you didn’t address the locale of your
statements. If the local is the world, then your statement is a pure
joke no matter how you cut the cake. The sheer number of people murdered
worldwide by Islamic terrorism can be found here:
If you are too frightened to look at this link, suffice it to say that there are almost too many to count.
The number of domestic Right Wing White Supremacist Terror attacks in the last two years under Trump’s administration is ZERO. No
white supremacist group has claimed any responsibility for any violent
action in the name of advocating for political change in America. No
murders of innocent children, women, old people or any other vulnerable
population was murdered to achieve a political end. Here is that link:
Furthermore, how fair is it to say that just because our FBI, police
and CIA are doing such an incredible job PREVENTING Islamic terror on
our home soil that Islamic terror is less dangerous than white
supremacist ‘terror’? Know how many Islamic terror attacks that the
FBI, alone, has prevented over the last two years- that we know about? EIGHTY!
They can be found at the following FBI locations:
Iraqi Refugee Sentenced for Attempting to Provide Material Support to ISIL
IARA Sentenced for Transferring Nearly $1.4 Million to Iraq in Violation of Sanctions (36 ISIS arrests for 2018) (25 ISIS arrests for 2017) (8 ISIL arrests for 2017)
The following two incidents are the only two examples of ANY white
supremacy crime in the last two years in America that I could find on
the FBI database. HOWEVER, neither meets the definition of ‘terrorism’.
The following FOUR incidents, however, DO meet the ‘terror’ definition, but were carried out by LIBERAL PROGRESSIVES in America over the last two years:
Massachusetts Man Arrested for Mailing Threatening Letters Containing Suspicious White Powder to Trump
This doesn’t count any of the Islamic threats prevented by the CIA or any local, state or federal police agencies.
While we’re at it, can we talk about the Domestic and world terrorism
caused by liberal, progressive eco-terrorists and animal rights
terrorists? Here’s just a list of American based groups:
Sea Shepherd– responsible for firebombing, ramming and sinking vessels at sea, causing billions in damages, injuries to people and death.
Animal Liberation Front
Earth liberation Front
Green Peace
Earth First
Coalition to Save the Preserves
Hardesty Avengers
Wikipedia states, “In 2008 the Federal Bureau of Investigation said
eco-terrorists represented “one of the most serious domestic terrorism
threats in the U.S. today” citing the sheer volume of their crimes (over
2,000 since 1979); the huge economic impact (losses of more than US$110
million since 1979); the wide range of victims (from international
corporations to lumber companies to animal testing facilities to genetic
research firms); and their increasingly violent rhetoric and tactics
(one recent communiqué sent to a California product testing company
said: “You might be able to protect your buildings, but can you protect
the homes of every employee?”)
destruction, loss of life, and mayhem than any skinhead group in
America, exponentially. Individuals who happen to espouse hateful
ideologies have committed crimes, on their own, but they represent
themselves. That is not ‘terror’. These eco-groups are terrorist
organizations. And they are liberals.
Those are the REAL FACTS, not some wishy washy fantasy of a liberal op ed writer.
#MatthewDowd attempts to mix mere crime into his alleged stats when
he makes his arguments about ‘white supremacy versus Islam, antifa, etc’
types of terror. However, the moment we begin including CRIME
incidents as ‘terror’ incidents, any kind of statistics can be gathered
to make bogus comparisons for manipulative op ed pieces like this one.
‘Terror’ has a particular political definition. While reprehensible as a
hate group, no white supremacist group has committed an act of terror
while Trump has been president. And that, my friends is a fact. There
have been many individuals of all sorts that have murdered others in our
nation, however. Some have beliefs that align with white supremacy- but
then again, there are black Americans who beat up, stab, steal from,
and destroy the lives of white people all the time in America merely
because they are white. Who remembers the game, ‘Sucker Punch’? How
about all the Korean stores that have been attacked by black gang
members in California that have been racially motivated? How about race
oriented gangs that murder one another- simply because they are
hispanic, black, Italian or skinhead? None of these are ‘terror’- but if
one wishes to, one could begin manipulating numbers and definitions to
suit just about anything they wanted to. ‘Terror’ is political. Honesty
is critical if you want to have a real discussion. This op ed is garbage
because it is dishonest.
How about Eric Holder’s statement, “Michelle [Obama] always says
‘When they go low, we go high,'” Holder told the crowd. “No. No. When
they go low, we kick them.” Holder served closely with Obama during both
How about Maxine Waters’ call for mob action against Trump
supporters, “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up,”
Waters told a crowd in California over the weekend. “If you see anybody
from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline
station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them,
and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” This resulted
in the immediate attacks on individuals wearing MAGA hats in restaurants
and students in high schools. Obama supports Waters and vice versa. If
a white senator made the same call for mob action, it would have
resulted in the entire media equating it to calls for ‘black lynchings’.
How about Obama’s 20 year relationship with “GodDamn
America”-Caucasian-hating Reverend Wright, whom Obama credits for most
of his current beliefs in his first book, ” of my Father.” According to
Scott Paulson of CBS,
‘He very powerfully wrote that
during his first experience as part of a Reverend Wright church service,
he wept. A child next to him, he wrote, had handed him a tissue to dry
the tears streaming down his cheeks.
Obama did hear Reverend Wright, and he emotionally reacted to him.
More than simply react to Wright’s
words, he embraced them. Obama remembered the name of the first sermon
he ever heard Reverend Wright preach and even titled a book after the
name of that first Wright sermon: The Audacity of Hope.”
This is the same Jeremiah Wright that officiated the Obama’s wedding
and all their children’s baptisms. The same Jeremiah Wright whom Obama
knew for over 25 years. The same Reverend Wright whose racist,
anti-Semitic sermons Obama listened to for over 25 years and whom he
appointed in 2007 to his prestigious African American Religious
Leadership Committee. The same Jeremiah Wright whom he suddenly
denounced, to Wright’s public scorn, when the public was outraged by his
bigoted, anti-American views.
No mention of any of THIS in #MatthewDowd’s flimsy Op Ed, right? It’s
just all Trump’s fault, right? Trump is responsible for all the bad
race relationships in America, right?Memories are very short, but
liberal media manipulative rhetoric are long.
Opinion pieces like this are hoping that YOU don’t bother to either
recall our nation’s history, our constitution, or bother to any analysis
or research into their statements. They also hope they can whip up
enough of your emotions while you are tired after a hard day of work,
trying to scrape by for your family, after reporting lots of shootings
around the nation. They are manipulating you for a REASON. You need to
THINK about WHY they want to take away the rights of the most eligible
fighting age men and women in our nation’s ability to own firearms. (ie,
18- 21 year olds) You need to THINK about why they want to take away
the #1 ability of our People to frighten our government enough from ever
thinking about using that incredible military of ours on US. (through
raising of militia BEFORE the desperate need arises). You need to think
about why they want to take away our best chance at leadership should
the People have to rise up against any attempt at some dictator who
tries to suspend our constitution and use the military against the
People. How can they do that, you ask? Simple- by saying that people
with ‘mental illness’ can’t own a firearm. That discounts almost all ex
military and police who have ever served in our nation- most of whom
have some sort of depression or anxiety. THAT qualifies as ‘mental
illness’, which is much too broad of a definition.
Ultimately, you need to know your HISTORY. Our founding fathers’
greatest concern when they gave the People the 2nd Amendment was not to
protect their homes- it was to rise up against their government. They
had experienced the tyranny of kings using the federal military against
the People and using the law to forbid the People to own arms. They
knew, first hand, what the result of such tyranny was. If Americans, in
their comfort, give up this incredible privilege, they WILL face
desperate dictatorship. It isn’t a question of ‘if’, but ‘when’. Men
haven’t changed. We haven’t evolved. We are the same. The ONLY reason we
are free as a People is our Constitution and the laws enshrined
therein. The evil men in our nation have been constrained by the limits
of it for generations- and it frustrates the hell out of them. That is
WHY they have been trying, like hell, to create any environment, any
situation, any conspiracy, anything construct possible to CONVINCE the
People to simply vote away that noble document. And they have almost
People often laugh when I pose the notion that this sudden rash of
shootings might not be coincidental on the eve of midterms and the
amazing number of states who will be voting on 2nd Amendment issues.
High ranking military officers & politicians discuss acceptable
death counts and collateral damages in war strategies. For some, it’s as
easy as discussing the menu for lunch. These types of men don’t see the
people who die. They only see the prize at the end. If hundreds of
thousands are ‘acceptable damages’ (think about the decision making for
Hiroshima which had a population of 350,000 at the time of the bombing),
then why not 10 at that school, 12 at that synagog, 5 at that
restaurant and 30 at that bar? This would be absolutely nothing. They
would sleep like babies and enjoy their drinks and cigars when the deeds
were done.
What would it really take, after all? An institution headed and
staffed by evil minded psychologists and psychiatrists with an intent to
manipulate and control weak and vulnerable minds. A place that could
select individuals who could be threatened or coerced into doing
whatever they wanted. A place to ‘treat’ troubled teens. Or a place to
organize several locations throughout the nation. How much money would
really be needed? And aren’t there enough wealthy people to make this
happen? Consider the payoff. When I consider it and the possible pay off
for evil minded people, I say, “Why not?” People will do pretty much
anything if it is feasible for them to get something in their own
lifetime. If they aren’t guided by any sort of fear of God, then this
life is all they care about.
There are people who are ideologically opposed to our Constitution
and the idea of individual freedoms, Friends. And they live right here
in America. This has always been so. If you will read your history, they
existed during the founding of our nation. Indeed, some of our founding
fathers even opposed it. They came around, but reluctantly. Please
don’t be naive. Don’t be a pawn. Don’t think either party are the ‘good
guys’. Neither are. The only good guys are The People. THAT is what the
Founding Fathers ultimately believed in. That is why the Preamble to the
Constitution begins with “We, the People…” It’s Us vs. the Government
and always has been. Always vote for Us. Never the Government. The day
you learn that is the day you are a true American.
ABC did the same thing to my comments on one of their gun control articles.
ReplyDeleteI replied to a person who claimed she was a forensic crime scene tech, and she was commenting about a woman who killed her 2 children and then herself because her husband divorced her.
they all blamed the firearm that she had in her house and not her mental health or the fact that the husband told everyone she was crazy.
oh, it also turns out that she was an anti gun activist.
I pointed all of this out and it was ignored, I provided statistics from the fbi..unbiased, accurate statistics and my post was deleted.
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