27 October 2010

A rainbow of reactions

As I read through this latest article from the inimitable Robin of Berkeley, I was at first overjoyed.  Yet another person learning the truth about 'White America!!'

A black man, Benjamin lived for three months at a time in these lily-white communities: St. George, Utah; Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; and Forsyth County, Georgia. He anticipated a gauntlet of racial hate. And yet...

Benjamin's sojourn was, according to him, a whirlwind of "fun" and a "gabfest." Looking beyond race, his new neighbors welcomed him with open arms. It appears that the only risk the newcomer faced was exhaustion from so much merrymaking.

I had a big old smile on my face, until the midpoint of the article.  My joy became exasperation at these words:

In the end, even with the kindness of white strangers, Benjamin joins the ranks of the agitators. His startling conclusion at the end of the book? He was treated like visiting royalty not because his white neighbors were colorblind, but because he's a "no demand" black.  

In particularly twisted logic, Benjamin maintains that his white neighbors were welcoming only because he's an affable black man. This invites the question: if a nasty, demanding person of any race came to town, won't he be snubbed because no one likes nasty and demanding people?

The book degenerates into another rant against whites, another command for more conversations about race. 
I couldn't believe my eyes.  Seriously?  Is this man so completely deluded that he can't see simple human kindness for what it is?  Is Mr. Benjamin so determined to see a racist behind every White face?  Is he so consumed with paranoia that he considers every non-Black smile to be a sign of contempt?

Apparently so.  My exasperation became a deep sadness as I realized how damaged this poor man is, and how he has apparently given up on a large portion of the human race, simply because of their color.  Dr. King would not have wanted this, nor do millions of Americans of all shades.

And now?  Now I'm furious.  Not at Mr. Benjamin, but at the race-baiting scum who continue to poison the minds of good people against each other.  Those who have taken a message of equality and tolerance and perverted it to serve their own agenda.  Those who make their living off of the concept of racism, and therefore have a vested interest in seeing that racism never ends.

That means you, NAACP.

That means you, New Black Panthers.

That means you, Jesse Jackson.

That means you, Al Sharpton.

That means you, La Raza.

That means you, Eric Holder.

That means you, President Obama.

That means all of you who shielded a Marxist behind your shrieks of "RAAAACIST!!"  Who tell young Black men and women that their dreams and goals are all for naught because Whitey's going to keep them down no matter what, and that they may as well embrace the ignorance of Thug Life and get used to the ghetto.  Who ghettoize new immigrants in the name of 'multiculturalism,' making assimilation out to be something shameful.  Who make it their life's mission to divide people in the name of 'unity.'

If there is a Hell, I'm pretty sure you have VIP reservations.

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