16 September 2011

Immortalized. Also, OMG EWW!

Ann's speech on Islamic sexuality (which I was hoping to see live, but didn't--long story) is below.  Among the topics discussed is the fairly recent fatwa concerning necrophila(it's حلال).

The fatwa isn't what bothers me so much.  It's the fact that the question came up at all.  Someone actually went to his Imam and asked something along the lines of, "Hey, is it cool with Allah if we bang dead corpses?  What if it's our wife?"


Among the major faiths of the world--Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.--this whole issue would be a non-starter.  The concept of having sex with a corpse wouldn't cross the minds of most people.  And even if, in some abstract flight of fancy, it did...no one would have to consult their priest/ rabbi/ guru/ roshi/ whatever to figure out the answer.  We all know what it is.  And if anyone actually didn't know, they'd be set straight PDQ.

Unless they were Muslim, in which case the prevailing issue would be the freshness of the corpse in question.

Anyway, here's the presentation, which includes some horrendously graphic images of  "female circumcision," aka "you bastards are going to burn in a very special level of Hell for this."  As loathe as I am to give my readers nightmares, I urge you to take a look at what we're fighting against.

So there you are.  Commentary?

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Intelligent commentary is welcome. Spam will be annihilated. Stupidity will be mocked.