01 September 2011

The Palin Pantry Principle

It doesn't get any clearer than this.

The 2012 GOP Presidential field offers an array of candidates who claim to espouse “conservative principles” and that they will act in consequence of them if elected. When applied, these ethics, rather than those on the Socialist/Marxist continuum, lead to more freedom and economic prosperity.

The catastrophic state of the nation requires that we vote like human beings. If ever in our lives we behaved in the booth like herd-beasts committing emotion-induced mob dereliction of reason, we do so again next November at the peril of destroying our future as free Americans.

So how do we vote like human beings? By using reason and verifying that the candidates’ actions were consistent with objectively sound, stated principles. Of course, we cannot judge the adherence of a candidate’s executive actions to conservative ideals if he or she has never been an elected executive. As we all stated at the time of Obama’s election, it is not prudent to elect as Chief-Executive of the Free World, a person who has no executive experience. We have no logical way to be certain that, confronted with the pressures of actually managing conflicting interests, resources, and budgets, they will be true to their stated principles.
RTWT at the newest addition to the Infinite Blogroll, Lipstick 2012.


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