19 October 2011

Why Mr. Cain's 'weaknesses' are anything but.

From the lovely and talented Jedidiah Bila:

There is another big challenge that Cain will face, and it too will increase if his favorability with voters increases. Regardless of his ability to articulate specificity, inspire confidence, and win over voters with his 9-9-9 plan, some members of the GOP establishment won’t be comfortable with a Washington outsider taking the lead.

They will argue that his lack of political experience makes him a no-go (you know, because politicians have been serving us so well). They will claim that he’s not trustworthy due to his lack of a political record (while they continue to support candidates whose records reek of political inconsistency on a multitude of issues, and should hence inspire little to no trust).

I have long argued that in order to defeat Barack Obama in 2012, we need a GOP candidate who is as close to his opposite as possible. The best vehicle to take on Obama’s arrogance, big-government mandates, crony capitalism, and abysmal economic record is a GOP candidate who exemplifies the opposite. 
I'll keep on saying it until it sinks in:  The last thing America needs is another damn politician.

1 comment:

  1. Yep watched the debate last night and thought Cain was hot shit.

    Far from perfect, but If he can go all the way, probably the best candidate we've seen in a while.

    Also I'd be all for scrapping the IRS and switching to a user-based tax system.


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