I didn't vote.
I refuse to lend any air of legitimacy to these proceedings. And, seeing that McConnell, about a microsecond after the Historic Ass-Kicking, declared that the message was that
"America is tired of political gridlock," I'm feeling pretty vindicated at the moment. No, Mitch, America is tired of you holding us down while your 'opponents' repeatedly give it to us up the nether orifice. And I have no doubt you know that; I'm just bemused that you're making your intention of continued surrender so obvious, so soon. You meat-puppets really are arrogant beyond measure, aren't you?
Cold Fury dreams of something that will plainly never happen, but it's at least a heartwarming bedtime story.
Remember when, during the 2012 primaries, Newt absolutely blasted the “liberal”-media moderator during one of those ludicrously stacked debates? Remember what happened after? His popularity skyrocketed, and he won the SC primary walking away–UNEXPECTEDLY™. He ended up unable to sustain that momentum, of course, for all sorts of reasons. But the point about just how badly real Americans wish for someone to at last stand up to the insidious Cosa Nostra Sinistro in all its forms and branches, without flinching or equivocating, was gloriously made.
All that being so–and it is–why on earth would anyone worry about being civil to sworn enemies of freedom and proper American governance? What is to be gained by it? The only person worried about being civil to the Nazis (modern Progressivists’ ideological forebears) was Neville Chamberlain. What did THAT get him? A piece of paper that wasn’t worth bothering to read and another World War, that’s what. Being civil to Stalin and Kruschev (two more of Progressivism’s inspirations and ideals) didn’t make them less obstreperous or dangerous; it gave them a leg up, an edge they were all too happy to hold against our throats. I won’t even mention Putin here; it’s too sickening, and that gratuitous wound is still bleeding.
Don’t let’s be beastly to the Leftists; let’s be downright ruthless with them instead, at least as ruthless and vicious as they’ve always been to us. Preferably more so, until they’re well, truly, and permanently undone. Americans know perfectly well who and what they are, and we’re sick and tired of seeing our supposed champions crawling so obsequiously to them time after time and year after year. We much prefer some direct, bare-knuckles honesty hurled at them instead. If you GOPers would be at least as rough with them as you are with your own conservative base, we’d all be a lot better off. And you’d be a lot more popular, too.
Miss Barnhardt has a pretty accurate take on things. Whatever your feelings on Catholics, gays or abortion, you have to admit that she's got the whole situation pretty much surrounded. And, while I won't necessarily demand that the streetlamps of DC be decorated with swinging politicians(although I'd have a hard time calling it an unreasonable course of action), I will say that until Obummer and Holder are marched out of office in orange jumpsuits, I'm still calling this a bunch of "sound and fury and signifying nothing."
So let me lay out some simple TRUE PREMISES, and then ask a follow-up question.
A.) The constitutional republic referred to as the United States of America no longer exists. TRUE.
B.) The Rule of Law is no longer in force in the former United States. TRUE.
C.) The Constitution of the United States and the system of government it defines is therefore no longer in force. TRUE.
D.) The body going by the name “United States Congress” has been rendered meaningless in praxis. TRUE.
E.) National-level representative politics in the former United States is a completely false facade, kabuki theater, designed to entertain and mollify the masses who are of average intelligence, and to launder looted money and enrich the oligarch class. TRUE.
F.) Given the reality of the true premises above, any person who holds or seeks to hold national-level public office is, by definition, morally, intellectually and/or psychologically unfit to hold public office (The Barnhardt Axiom). TRUE.
Okay, so now my question. What exactly are you people agog about? Have we learned NOTHING? NOTHING AT ALL? It still hasn’t sunk in? Do you not remember the 2010 midterms and how that was going to put the brakes on Obama once and for all? DO YOU REMEMBER THAT? Yeah. And what did they do? Flip-all. Zippo. Nada. I don’t give a crap if the “US Congress”, both houses, are UNANIMOUSLY republican. What the hell does it matter? No. Stop. Stop and think. Answer the question, because it is not rhetorical. You tell me. WHAT DOES IT MATTER?
But perhaps the
very last word regarding the obvious decline and fall of the United States
comes from our buddies at DethGuild:
Meanwhile, the great wheel rolls along… crushing in it’s path all it was allegedly designed to safeguard. Gone are the lofty ideals or noble intentions held by the inventors – the machine now only exists to sustain itself, and it will burn through every last crumb of the people’s liberty and treasure before it comes to a sputtering crash.
No one can agree on plan of action or who should carry it out – and the only near universal truth at this point – the one thing that pluralities of Americans can align with – is that we hate the bastards running the country – and the sons-of-bitches who vote for’em. Which side? Doesn’t matter.
U.S. citizens are no longer united by beliefs, goals or principles. We have never, in all our lives, seen such a compelling argument for the dissolution of this nation. After all – What does the average person in Boise, Idaho have in common with someone dwelling in New York City, New York? Why should either have to sacrifice their beliefs when they are so alien? The BEST possible outcome is both sets of citizens “experience” Solomon’s compromise – each a victim, subject to having their beliefs trampled upon in an agonizing attempt to make everybody “suffer co-equally.” This is ostensibly the “ideal” scenario – as in the worst case, one set of people are wholly crushed by the other group.
Secession--on a regional, state, county, city or personal level--may be a tactical error...but it's becoming the only available option to anyone who actually understands the concepts of Liberty and Free Will. Will we possibly die on our feet, or certainly live on our knees?