13 August 2010

Read This NOW.

Financial savant Karl Denninger drops some science on our ass.

The only solution for an addict caught in this spiral is to stop and take the pain of detoxification. The pain is considerable - even excruciating. Indeed, it feels even worse when the drug is stopped than it did in the depths of hell to which addiction had taken the sufferer.

Yet it is the only path out.

Such it is with the economy.

Barack Obama and Congress simply do not get it. They think they, along with The Fed, can "prime the pump" with "stimulus", just as the meth-head thinks he can "stimulate" recovery with "just one more hit."

He's wrong, as is Congress, Barack and The Fed.

The excess capacity in the economy cannot be sustained. It simply doesn't matter whether policymakers like this or not. An economy that can only run at its former rate when mainlining speedballs cannot continue to operate in this fashion without killing the host.
Detoxification and a slowing of the economic metabolism to sustainable levels is the only way you survive.

And, of course, our Lords and Masters will take this to heart and spin a 180 post haste. Just as soon as Nikki Haley arrives on my doorstep pledging her undying love for me. And I win both the Powerball and the MegaMillions. And that Awkward Dinner Jacket guy in Iran gets hit by a meteor. All at once.

We are SO boned right now. I'm not investing in gold--I'm investing in lead. In 9mm, to be specific.

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