19 August 2010

We have not forgotten.

The uproar over the "Victory Mosque" proposed at Ground Zero, continues to spread. And it's provoking some great writing.

We’re always told to turn the other cheek. Use your last dime to help someone else. Don’t complain, you’re selfish, you bigot, you racist, you retarded self absorbed piece of crap. Write your check. Shut up and give us your sweat while we mock every value that you own. You’re insensitive, culturally ignorant. You don’t appreciate the nuances of the situation.

We are NOT that. We are so much better than that. We were never that.

It’s a cemetary. It’s a mass grave at the scene of a mass murder. It should be treated as such.

As far as I am concerned WE are the victims this time, the injured parties, the people who should be given compassion, understanding, tolerance and kindness. We should be the ones who are on the receiving end, instead of being the ones who give. We should be allowed our time to grieve and not be told how to grieve, how to feel, and be told that somehow we should be over it.

No more. Not this time. I refuse to be put in a box of badness. I refuse to be less than human.

This is why I take the time to scroll down on a lot of websites. Often, some of the comments are better than the original post.

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