19 February 2012

I got a present!

So I came home Saturday morning from my last day on the night shift(SWEET), had a couple of beers and went to bed.  I woke up to my wife sitting on the edge of the bed with a present for me.  He'd been left in a box to die, at the ripe old age of nine days, and was rescued by the folks at one of the local pet stores.  He's now six months old, active, inquisitive, purrs and cuddles constantly...and currently has a cold, so he's sneezing all over everything.  Ah, well, that shall pass.  Now we just have to get the others used to him.  Meet Cat #3, Glock.

He's too active to get a really good picture of, so this was all I could get.  And he's only about 4 pounds, so I just hope Spike doesn't accidentally eat him.  Currently, he's sitting on my lap, purring like an N14 Cummins and bonking me with his head.

Best present my wife ever gave me, outside of her hand in marriage.


  1. Oh, he's adorable! And I love the name. Heh. :)

    1. Yeah, his rescuers named him Merlin, but he doesn't answer to it, so I figured I'd rename him. Glocks and their clones are particularly prone to ND's, and with him negligently sneezing all over everything in sight, it seemed to fit.

      Plus, he's small, mostly black and always nearby. I think it works. ;)

  2. I'm a dog man. But congratulations nonetheless.

    “Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive”

  3. Not bad. Tell him to look me up in about a month or so.

  4. So, sweet!

    Hey, I got an email from a guy who tries to post on your site, but can't. Do you want to email me and I can forward his email to you?


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