25 July 2011

Common Sense 101

First off, from our good friend Norman Einstein at iOTW, we're treated to a calm and intelligent rant.  SFW, even.

Then, four comments down at the iOTW post, Eternal Cracker gives us this gem...

It boggles my mind how the government is in every single aspect of everyone’s life and they still can’t manage to make ends meet. We’re taxed on our income, taxed on our purchases, taxed on our sales, taxed on our energy, taxed on our food. And if we aren’t taxed for doing it legally, we’re fined for doing it illegally. Every single thing we do, the government is first in line to get their share and they don’t do a damn thing for it.

Well I tell you what, if there was a private corporation that could get a fixed rate, say, one TENTH of one CENT for every thing the government gets money for currently, it would most likely be the most profitable corporation ever and the shareholders would be raking in the dough. It’s just wrong when someone making $65k/yr supporting a family needs to give ~$10k/yr to the federal gov’t on top of state and local taxes and ends up having to eat Top Ramen and hot dogs because the government needs to eat first!!??!11 And what are the benefits???

“We all need to make sacrifices.” — B.H.O. — Personally, I refuse to work and give tax dollars to this inept government… I’m OFF the system, they can go pound sand. Well except for all my legal purchases and until they catch up with my underground black mark..err, nevermind.
News flash:  Until we rein in this government and force it back into its Constitutional limitations, no matter how much they take, it'll never be enough.  Ever.  The more they take, the more they grow, and vice versa.  This is why a Constitutionally-limited government isn't just a good idea...IT'S THE LAW.  Now, if only we'd start enforcing it.

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