13 July 2011

Ends aside, about those means...

LabRat @ the Atomic Nerds drops a logic bomb on the Hypocratic Method.

If I were to not pussyfoot around what, exactly, has been getting my attention lately, it may well be the spectacle of people who can, with no sense of irony whatsoever, cheer the success of the second-amendments rights vanguard in normalizing both gun ownership and carry of said arms by force of activism and cultural osmosis and react to the success of the gay rights vanguard in culturally normalizing same-sex couples by force of activism and cultural osmosis as evidence that the latter is a sinister lavender-shaded fifth column brainwashing the American people. It’s one thing to think that the former cause is a good and just one and the latter cause a destructive one, which contrary to popular hysteria is not about to become illegal anytime soon, and quite another to treat the exact same process as somehow unfair or evidence of the untrustworthiness of the causes’s holders when it’s done by a minority interest you dislike.
Go thou forth and RTWT, for yea, it is Truth. 

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