11 August 2011

The Beat Doctrine

OK, if Sarah doesn't run, I hereby nominate Beat&Release as America's official write-in candidate.

Because this.

4) The BATFE will be disbanded. Field agents will be immediately transferred to Customs and Border Protection and will serve on the U.S. - Mexican border.

5) All stimulus loans to automobile companies or financial institutions will be immediately due and payable. The free market will hereafter be used to regulate business. 'Too big to fail' will no longer be standard operating procedure. Handle your business in compliance with accepted and proven business practices or shut it down.
13) The activities of the Department of Justice will be severely curtailed. Violations of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights will be the main focus of the agency. Collateral duties will include the prosecution of elected officials who violate ethics laws. The American people will no longer be content with 'censure' of these officials by an ethics commission.

14) Federal firearm laws will be dissected and a complete report will be issued by a bi-partisan commission within six months of my inauguration. Any federal firearm law that infringes on the rights of the individual to provide for their own protection, or the rights of the states, will be deemed null and void. The individual states will left to regulate firearms as they see fit, as long as such regulation does not abrogate the Second Amendment.

19) Lifestyle choices do not fall within the purview of the federal government. States may regulate these issues as they see fit.

20) Prohibition of narcotics and intoxicants are public health issues that fall within the domain of the individual states. Community standards apply in these situations and voters are fully capable of deciding what their desires are. It is not the place of the federal government to question those standards. Federal funds will not be used to finance any activity involving drug use, to include treatment or incarceration. The previously mentioned changes on the borders of this country will go a long way toward preventing the entry of much of the substances we see today.

RTWT.  Over and over.  That, folks, is what we're talkin' about!!


  1. Add: The U.S. will immediately withdrawal from the U.N. The organization will then have 365 days from that date to find a new HQ in another country.


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