29 August 2011

Thunder Down Under

Looks like my trucker counterparts in Australia are more than a little pissed off with their liberal government as well, which has prompted them and their supporters to go all Road Warrior.  What does the Australian media have to say about it?  Well, let's just say they'd be right at home here in the USA.

The Convoy organizers staged their entry so carefully, coordinating it with the Federal Police. They meticulously planned everything so as not to put out the average Canberran, even starting at 5.30am so as to avoid the peak hour traffic. They were scrupulously considerate. (Perhaps too much so.)

In the end, the fact that they were so well organized and polite was used against them. The pro-government forces hyped up the anger against the out-of-towners with threats that “it would cause major traffic delays” and “bring Canberra to a standstill”. But when the protest didn’t cause any of the promised disruption, instead of admitting they were wrong, and apologizing, they pretended that the lack of traffic problems shows the Convoy was a fizzer. Spin spin spin. It’s too easy, isn’t it? If the Convoy had slowed up the traffic, it would be called a nuisance.

How do you portray the grassroots movement of cattlemen, miners, truck-drivers, business-people and farmers as being unrepresentative? Just call them all “truckies”. Oh, and ignore the devastating polls that show that this government is one of the most unpopular groups in all Australian history — that indeed 6 out of 10 Australians share similar opinions to the protestors that are being called “extremists”.
This statist bullcrap, with it's accompanying LSM propaganda machine, is worldwide, folks.  We all have to do our part to fight it where we live.  Here's to the 'Diesel Party!'

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