16 August 2011

I call BS.

This story has been making the rounds on the intart00bz at a rate which leads me to think Einstein was wrong about the speed of light.  Many Palinistas are exhibiting reactions ranging from suspicion to sorrow.  Haters and fencesitters are absolutely glowing with smugness.

Me?  Sorry, I don't buy it.

Governor Palin has been two steps ahead of the LSM, ten steps ahead of her detractors, and in full control of herself from the beginning.  Even those of you who despise her, know in your hearts that she's not an idiot.  What we see in this story is behavior that can only be described as petty, vindictive and stupid--three things Governor Palin has proven NOT to be, time and time again.  This simply is not who Sarah Palin is.  I know it, and y'all know it too.

I say this story is a pack of lies, or at least spun 19 ways from Sunday.  I may not know much, but I know bullshit when I smell it.


Intelligent commentary is welcome. Spam will be annihilated. Stupidity will be mocked.