19 December 2010

Global warming ends age-old tradition

I can't tell you all how heartbreaking this is:  The Independent, a UK news agency, has informed us that we likely will never have any significant amount of snowfall in Britain again.  No more snowball fights, no more white Christmases.  A keystone of British culture is simply melting away due to that damned global warming.

This is horrible.  How could I have been so blind as to dismiss global warming as nothing but hooey, balderdash and poppycock?  How could I have been so cynical as to contradict the claims of these great scientific minds?

Easily.  The above-linked article is from 10 years ago.  This is the state of things in Britain today.

Now, I may not have a degree in 'climatology,' but then, no one does.  I may not be an Ivy League alumni--in fact, I never even went to college.  But I can damn sure tell if it's cold outside or not.  And I know enough to realize that if your theory conflicts with observed reality, then your theory is wrong.  Anyone who still believes in Anthropogenic Global Warming at this point, is demonstrably insane.

The Earth is round, water is wet, and AGW is a hoax.  Welcome to reality.

(HT Drudge)

1 comment:

  1. The problem, my friend, is that you're asking liberals to accept reason and logic and to them that's unreasonable and illogical. They suffer from Dunning-Kruger Effect. There is no hope for them.


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