13 December 2010

Revisiting Detroit

I touched upon this blighted place a while back.  If you can believe it, it's getting worse.

Now, remember, folks...Detroit has been down with the ProgOppressive program for quite some time.  Take a look at where it's led them--Straight.  To.  Hell.  One would think that these Leftist 'intellectuals,' these beacons of reason and enlightenment, would--I dunno--take a look at the freakin' evidence right in front of their freakin' eyes, and conclude that the whole Oppressive thing doesn't really work as well as they thought.

One would think that.  One would be wrong.

So, we see people who insist they want to create utopia on Earth, who are, in fact, acting in direct opposition to their stated goal.  This is, on the surface, a contradiction.  But contradictions are impossible.  When facing a supposed contradiction, one only needs to check one's premises and figure out which of them is wrong.*  In this case, the wrong premise should be obvious.

Oppressives say they want to create utopia.  They are lying.  They do not, in fact, wish to create anything.  Their whole mission, whether they consciously recognize it or not, is destruction.  They are nihilists.  They are disciples of emptiness, who believe that the destruction of a thing of beauty puts the destroyer on the same moral level as the creator.  Their ideal is the drab gray of nothingness, of indifference, of nonexistence.

If you wish to follow these people, it's your decision.  I'm the last person who will ever interfere with someone's free will.  But now you know the destination you're being led towards; the end result of The Master Plan.  If you would travel this road, you should at least do so with open eyes and firm purpose.  In that case, though I may fight you, I will at least respect you.

But now that you know the details, ask yourself:  Is this truly the road I wish to travel?

* You may thank the late Ayn Rand for her Gordian-knot method of solving apparent contradictions.

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