04 December 2010

Things you're likely going to need to know.


While putzing about in my SiteMeter, I noticed more than a few referrals from Something Wicked Comes.  I have no idea why this incredibly useful Prepper site would link to my demented collection of ramblings, but once you're done rolling your eyes at my snarkitude, you'd do well to head on over there and take some notes.

Maybe nothing will happen.  Maybe things will go rolling right along with no serious interruption of our lifestyles.  But if things go sideways, you'll have a much better chance of getting yourself and your loved ones through it with some simple skills, knowledge and preparation.

Your call.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for the referral and I am glad you find my Blog useful. I enjoy reading your posts as they strike a resonant chord in my attitude.
    Keep up the good work!


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