17 December 2010

Leftists, you're grounded.

We've had enough of your misbehavior.  You go to your rooms and think about what you've done.

Like a teenager to his parent, the "free" liberal reacts strongly against any effort to channel, upgrade, or improve his choices or behavior.  From this rebellion, Lefty gets a very short-lived free "feeling" on which no lasting value can be built.  The personal cost of this pursuit of disordered freedom is irresponsibility, frustration, and a lack of peace.
Unfortunately, today's left has a ways to grow before achieving maturity, lasting fulfillment, or personal excellence. At this point, these people are neither calm, cool game theorists nor consistent political wizards. Dr. Evil is safe and will be unchallenged for some time to come. For now, the ranting teenager analogy is the best fit.

Finally, I must apologize to mature teenagers everywhere. Let me be clear: ranting adolescents and rabid progressives are very similar. You, on the other hand, share nothing with the left.

And to you ranting teenagers, buck up! You will most certainly outgrow it well before Lefty does.
RTWT.  Then write it 100 times on the blackboard.


  1. I like your analogy with ranting teenagers. That had not occurred to me before but you are right. It fits perfectly. Here's another analogy, the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Google it and I think you will agree that it fits as well.

    I like your blog.


  2. Yeah, the rebellous teenager is quite analogous. Heck, even preschoolers.

    Dunning Kruger effect explains a lot too.

    A Goy and his Blog has an old post I like, about how the typical leftist has a deficit in moral maturity.



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