27 June 2011


Robb Allen haz them.

Zombies crave human flesh. They cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be persuaded to consider other food sources, and it doesn’t matter how many charts, statistics, or volumes of facts you can show them to illustrate the error of their ways, they’re going to try to eat your brains. They’ve become so infected with a singular line of thought that their humanity is erased. And because of this, you put them down.

Anti-gunners operate on the same principle. At some point, they believed that by restricting access to firearms across the board that violence would be reduced. While you and I know this to be patently false, it is an honorable position to take if you are unaware of the facts. I mean, who doesn’t want to lower violence? The problem starts when they become so obsessed with their goal that facts and logic become hindrances to them. When they can look at reason and dismiss it, they’ve become evil. Their actions turn zombie like.

I do not fight for gun rights because I like shooting guns. 8 years ago or so, I was pretty much like most of the population. I owned a gun or two, but had no strong feelings about them. Heck, the Robb from 8 years ago would have probably agreed that the ATF was necessary. Today, I fight because I saw the facts, saw the truth, and realized the zombie-hordes of gun controllers for what they were. When gun sales go up, crime does not increase proportionately. The gun on my hip does not force me to commit murder over a parking space. And more importantly, criminals do not follow the law so no matter how many of them you put in place, it will do nothing to slow them down.


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