Once upon a time, I was a young soldier in a distant land, doing the things my country bade me do, not because I had been drafted, but because I volunteered - not out of some pretense about duty, but because I saw an opportunity to trade value for value: I would devote my life, and put it at risk as need be, in exchange for certain things that I believed would redound to my eventual benefit. Chief among those things was a country in which I would be free to pursue my loves and my passions and my values. Next were things like a paycheck and an education fund. I don't pretend that mine was a sacrifice. I gained inestimably from the exchange, and I have never ceased to hold my head high, in pride at all the things I accomplished while wearing our nation's uniform.
In much the same way, I'm asking you to volunteer, not out of some sense of duty to me or any of your millions and millions of supporters, or even to a country now gasping and on its knees. I ask you to serve the purposes of your own life, and your own values by rising to take on the fight, a grim and terrible fight, in which you will be the tip of the spear. You already have the heart of a warrior. You're already battle-tested and hardened. You look no less happy for the engagement, and in truth, look at home in your element when embattled.
I believe that the oath I first took in 1983 has no expiration. There is no statute of limitation upon my oath to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The enemies are here. There's no sense pretending otherwise, and while this remains a political war, we must win it lest it become something even more terrible. That is a cost none should wish to pay. Ronald Reagan reminded us that history's lesson is 'peace through strength.' This applies as much within a nation as without.
And the second commenter nails it in one sentence(emphasis mine):
(HT The Last Refuge)
"We’re you. You’re us." Kind of says it all.Damn right. I am Sarah Palin. And if you love this country and the principles upon which she was founded...so are you.
"I am Sarah Palin." is an older version of that and I identify with that saying.
This is why the left hates her (and the right’s RINOs).
They hate US.
They hate her.
We are one.
I pray WE show up at the polls to take our country back from THEM.
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