02 June 2011

Of polls, pundits and self-fulfilling prophecies

First, laser-like analysis of the enormous amount of suck and fail that comprises the Mitt Romney candidacy, from our favorite spitfire.

Whatever your feelings regarding gay marriage(which Ann and I disagree on), you do have to concede the point that one does not put one's beliefs up for auction if one has the slightest bit of honor and integrity.  Watch the whole thing and take notes--the lady's dropping some logic on our asses.

Anyway, back to the post that's been percolating in my head for most of the day.  (I have to get it out quick--the echoes are driving me nuts.)  While listening to the satradio at work today, the consensus among news sources seemed to be that Romney was leading in the polls at 21%, with Sarah Palin and Herman Cain tied for second at 16% each.  The latest trend shows a different story, reporting a Palin/Romney dead heat.

Leaving aside the fact that the GOP's Golden Boy DeceptiCon is neck and neck with someone who's not even in the race(yet), I can't help but wonder about the entire polling process.  Bear in mind, I'm a nethead who analyzes the voices of Conservatives of every stripe, from all over the country and the world.  Unlike our opponents, Conservatives do not march in lockstep.  There's been no shortage of debate concerning who the best candidate would be.

We have Palinistas, and those who think the LSM has crippled her too badly to be a viable candidate.  We have those who question Herman Cain's lack of political experience, and those who think that the last thing this country needs is another politician.  We have folks who think Bachmann can carry the day, and those who question her electability.  Some are in Pawlenty's corner, while others aren't.

(No matter who wins, most all of us are praying to God that they pick Allen West for Veep.)

Regardless of our favored candidate, all of us will pretty much support any conservative.  We'll have friendly--if extremely animated--"my candidate can beat up your candidate" discussions about the relative merits of each, and will give credit where it's due.  I've heard favorable comments on the above-mentioned folks, and even Santorum and Huntsman(both non-starters IMHO).  But...

...I have NEVER heard any Conservative say one favorable thing regarding Mitt Romney.  I've never encountered any Conservative who approves of him in the slightest.  I mean, their reaction to a Romney Presidency isn't just "No," it's "HELL, NO."  So, how on Earth is Mittens so high in the polls?  Who are they polling, Democrats?

My friends, if you believe nothing else I ever tell you, believe this:  the polls are LIES.  Nothing is final until the last vote is counted.  The LameStream Media, both Left and 'Right,' are our enemies.  Don't take political advice from those who wish to maintain the status quo.

Remember, these same polls and pundits(sometimes literally the same, eh, Chuckie?) were the ones that told us Ronald Reagan 'couldn't win.'  He's too conservative, he's too old, he doesn't have enough experience, he'll cost us the election...on and on and on.  Now they maintain that Palin can't win; Cain can't win; Bachmann can't win, etc.  We need to stop listening to self-important fools who insist that the only way for us to take back America is to nominate the same type of douchebags who gave it away in the first place.

The primaries are coming up soon.  I tell you now, any real Conservative will beat Obummer so bad his great-great grandchildren will be born bruised.  But if we run yet another Cocktail Party DeceptiCon, we may as well just burn the Constitution, crown Obummer Dictator-For-Life, and accept the fact that America's done--last one out, grab the flag.

When you go to cast your vote in the primaries, don't listen to the fools.  Don't worry about who's "electable" and who's not.  Research the candidates.  Analyze not their words, but their records.  Look at who they are and what they've done.  And then vote for the one you truly believe is the best for the job.

That's the only way we're going to set things right.

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