11 March 2012

On my erratic posting

Longtime readers may have noticed that days can go by without my posting anything.  I confess, it's due to being overwhelmed by the collapse of America.  It seems that every day, we see more disregard of the Constitution by the Thug Regime, less resistance by our supposed allies in Congress, and the world inches closer to complete financial collapse and/or Jihadist domination.

I'm just a truck driver with an attitude and a blog.  I look at the tsunami of evil coming our way, and I do, indeed, despair at being able to make a difference.  But God sends us a message when we need it, often in some of the most innocuous ways.

Our newest addition, little Glock, is barely a teenager in cat years.  He weighs in at four pounds, as opposed to Sam's fifteen and Spike's eighteen.  Now that they're getting healthier,* the pecking order is being established, and I feared he'd end up at the bottom.  Here's Sam and Glock, with my hand in each picture for scale:

You'd think the outcome a foregone conclusion?  Think again.  This little four-pound cat runs fifteen-pound Sam down and beats the crap out of him!  Even Spike backs down whenever Glock steps to him.  Glock is absolutely, utterly fearless and he's making the other cats his bitches without question.  So what does this have to do with me?

It has everything to do with me.  With you.  With all of us who comprise the real America.  Our adversaries may be many.  They may be well-organized.  They may seem unbeatable.  But they're not.  In the end, those who seek power--be they Jihadists, Marxists or any garden-variety statist--do so through cowardice.  They're terrified of anything they can't control, and, in the end, we real Americans will not be controlled.  Courage will trump cowardice every time, and Glock is living proof of that. 

If we stand strong in our faith, our convictions and our principles, we cannot fail.  Take it from a little black cat.

*No, it wasn't kitty herpes, thank God.  Just a bacterial infection, requiring two more weeks of antibiotics.  Our scratches will heal up eventually...


  1. Glock, a little David cat. I like it. We all get overwhelmed, b/c we wish we could do more and see more results. Kay sirrah sirrah. Cute cats; wish I wasn't allergic, but I am so the dog'll have to do.

  2. Wraith, is that you? Got your link at my blog, and found this great post. You're exactly right. I have to believe good and courage with triumph.

    (Love the cats. I have four of my own.)

    The Gunslinger


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