05 March 2012

"Poverty," my ass.

If I can ever get The Infinite Blogroll working again, the College Conservative will be on it.  Because this.

This problem extends past rhetoric. His argument’s implication is that the poster and commenters are illegitimate because they have never experienced poverty. As if he has.

There is no poverty in the United States. Poverty is suffering without a safety net. Can’t put food on the table? Get food stamps. Can’t put a roof over your head? Get subsidized housing. Can’t find a job? Get unemployment benefits. Safety net, safety net, safety net. One would have to put in a serious amount of effort to avoid the government programs and actually live in poverty.

America never sees what poverty really looks like; we just pretend to know what it is. So I’ll show you.

This one's a must-read.  America wouldn't know real poverty if it walked up and slapped us.


1 comment:

  1. The green text is very difficult to read. Thanks for your efforts!


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