08 September 2010


Few things in life are better than seeing an intelligent and righteously pissed patriot 'crush her enemies, see them driven before her, and hear the lamentations of their editors.'

In the wake of the now-infamous (not to mention vile, underhanded, cowardly and despicable) Vanity Fair anti-Palin smear piece,* many of my fellow Palinistas have risen to condemn so-called 'journalist' Michael Gross. But none have done a more thorough job of blistering his hide than Dr. Gina Loudon.

Sit back and enjoy a literary ass-kicking of Biblical proportions.

* OK, seriously, when your character assassination is so completely blatant that even folks who normally despise Sarah are all like "dude...wait, what?" --that's a sure sign that a) you suck at commando journalism and b) she's getting to you like no one ever could. Neener neener. :P

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