30 November 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Care III

Lots of sound and fury about that DADT thing lately.  Read the AoS commentary here, poke around the links in it and judge for yourself.

The thing is, all this flap is completely unnecessary.  There's no need to get the courts involved, or bounce it around the various media outlets, or consider the opinions of everybody and their dog.  This whole thing could have been decided at any time since noon on 1/20/08.  Why?  Because(God help us all), for better or worse, Barack Obama is not only the POTUS, but the Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces.

Back in the dim and distant past, the US military was officially segregated.  Almost all of the same arguments against letting Queer folks serve openly were applied to integration, but Harry S. Truman took the bull by parts unmentionable and corrected a long-overdue injustice via Executive Order 9981.  Nothing could have stopped President Obama from issuing a similar order regarding gay folks.  He and his cronies have been hellbent on pushing their agenda through, regardless of the will of the American people...why not step up to the plate and make a real decision?

There are only two explanations.  The first is that he's voting "Present" again, as he seems to do whenever he's faced with a decision that wasn't covered in Marxism 101.  Or, he doesn't want to give up one of those carrots the Dems dangle in front of the Queer community to keep them voting in lockstep with the Left.

Which is it?

1 comment:

  1. Obamy make a decision? I don't think so. He probably has to ask Michelle permission to go to the bathroom.
    Seriously though, you are right. He is the Commander in Chief. There is no need for this to have been a political football. Making it so was for political reasons.


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