25 April 2011

"Dude, what's with the Ann Barnhardt obsession?"

It's not so much an obsession as a deep love and admiration for a very rare person:  Someone who's NO BULLCRAPAnn speaks the truth as she sees it, no matter the consequences.  This is the same quality I admire and greatly respect in folks like LtC West, Governor Palin and others.  A quality that used to be far more widespread in America, and that needs to make a comeback with a quickness.

Ann and I do not agree on everything.  She's Tridentine Mass Catholic.  I'm a new, nondenominational Christian who believes that maybe it's not so important how you accept Christ and worship God, as long as you do.  She's got an issue or two with homosexuality.  I'm bisexual, and though I could easily hide it, I choose not to.  I am who I am--a sinner just like every person--and the final judgement of how I've lived my life lies with the Lord.

So, we have our differences.  But, unlike our adversaries, we do not have to march in lockstep.  We can agree to disagree on a personal front, yet we remain allies on the important issues.  Kind of like those who found slavery abhorrent, stood alongside slaveholders to fight for our fledgling nation.  (This is another quality America used to enjoy that seems to have fallen out of fashion--IMNSHO, it's time to get all retro.)

Another reason I reproduce a lot of her stuff here is that linkage to individual posts on her site is about impossible.  My posting them here enables easier linkage and referencing, and is my way of giving the bird to the deceitful and increasingly irrelevant LameStream Media.  Speaking of which...

Why the Media won't touch me - and never will
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - April 25, AD 2011 9:46 AM MST

Many people are puzzled as to why my exposure to date has been limited exclusively to blogs and internet radio - no mainstream media whatsoever, while Terry Jones is everywhere. There are two very simple reasons:

1. The mainstream media want to present Jones as the face and voice of the anti-jihad, anti-muslim front. As I said in my YouTube clip, Jones is himself a caricature. He is a Deep South redneck (I do not consider that a pejorative, by the way) complete with a handlebar moustache. Further, he is a preacher with a micro-flock of less than 100, many of whom are his family members. He is neither well-spoken nor well-read, and struggles to articulate his points and defend his position. It is clear from what I have seen of him that he has read neither the Suras nor Hadiths, nor is he fluent in history. Additionally, he waffles constantly and is susceptible to pressure and influence from government bureaucrats. Finally, Jones' website has a very prominently featured "DONATE HERE" button. Of course this is who the media wants. How many people in this country can simply LOOK at Terry Jones and say to themselves, "Yeah, I can relate to that guy. Heck, I can even respect him. Heck, I'd like to have dinner with him." Yeah. Not many. No offense to Terry Jones, but we need to be brutally honest here.

Now compare that to me. I am average and unremarkable in appearance. I appreciate all of the guys out there complimenting my looks, but the fact is that I am very average on the looks meter. The only thing I will say is that I have enough walking-around money to be able to afford decent, well-tailored clothes, good make-up, bi-monthly visits to a tanning salon, and hair coloring and straightening. I also am able to jog and exercise regularly - which is also a function of having money and spare time. People can look at me and relate to me - especially women. How many comments have I seen on various blogs from women saying, "Oh my goodness! I LOVE those pink shoes!" Yeah. I'm media poison. I can talk about 4 1/2" peeptoe pumps AND shred the islamic and Marxist milieus in the same breath.

Next, the mainstream media will never have anything to do with me because they know that to do so would be to take the rhetorical equivalent of a chainsaw sideways up the poop chute. They only want to go up against the weak. Jones is weak. The media whores (on both sides - because all mainstream media players are whores chasing a paycheck at the end of the day) are indeed smarter than Jones. They are NOT smarter than me, and they know this. Not that that is saying much.

Finally, I am not a politician chasing campaign donations nor am I accepting any money at all whatsoever. The media cannot impugn or impeach my motives or credibility. They can easily paint Jones as a carney huckster simply looking to gin up collection plate revenues in his 501(c)3.

2. The second big reason the media won't touch me is this: If they don't report on me or my existence NOW, if and when something happens to me at the hands of muslims, they will have no reason or obligation to report on my untimely demise, specifically at WHOSE HANDS my untimely demise was accomplished. If Jones is harmed or killed by muslims (God forbid), the media will report on it and shake their collective heads as they pound into the heads of their gullible thralls that Jones was a kook who had it coming. They will say, "See? This is what happens to stupid, intolerant bigots who don't behave themselves. If he would have just been "nice", he wouldn't have been harmed." And the thralls, who already view Jones as a mere caricature and not a real human being, will nod in agreement. Now, imagine what would happen if I fell. The men of Western Civilization would be enraged because they look at me and want to protect me (which is completely healthy and appropriate, by the way.) The women would be enraged because they look at me and see themselves. There would be no way that the media could spin my fall in any way that could be of benefit to their pro-muslim, pro-Marxist agenda. And that, I think, is the more dispicable angle in all of this.

But, I'll just keep going, exposing what I can, passing along what information and insights I acquire. The key, though, in all of this is YOU. YOU have to be active in this. YOU have to do something in exactly the same way I did something. YOU have to stop being afraid in exactly the same way I stopped being afraid. YOU have to draw YOUR line in the sand and declare, "THIS FAR AND NO FARTHER." YOU have to come to the realization that the only way to save your country and your civilization is being willing to push your chips ALL IN.
For he that will save his life, shall lose it: and he that shall lose his life for My sake, shall find it." --Matthew 16:25

The LSM has become about as useful as tits on a bull.  They can ignore Ann and Real America all they want, but they're the ones heading to the dustbin of history.  We, the American people, have become the real media through this miracle called the internet.  What they ignore, we explore.  What they conceal, we reveal.

Welcome to the new reality.  And not a moment too soon.


  1. The Studmuffin goes to the Latin Tridentine Mass because they have better parking.

    In all seriousness,
    "No people in history have ever survived who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies." --Dean Acheson

    See you on the barricades!

  2. I once tried being inoffensive. I really did. After about 5 minutes, I realized that it wasn't the path I was meant to take.

    No matter our faith, or the color of our rifles, we shall stand together for God and Country. ;)

  3. What can I say?
    It's a "mixed marriage".
    We got married by a Navy chaplain on the steps of a Civil War plantation in the South.
    That way,
    NO ONE was happy.
    BTW, don't forget:

  4. There is a solution (of sorts), and it is NOT too late for the United States to implement it.
    Right now . . . when we exercise our "freedom of speech" rights to a) burn a Quran, b) draw a cartoon, c) write a book, d) say something offensive about Islam.
    1) The Muslims go on a murder spree
    2) We condemn them for their Murder spree, and condemn ourselves for exercising our "freedom of speech". The Muslims have blackmailed us into silence . . and into giving up "freedom of speed"
    This is the way it SHOULD go down.
    1) We exercise out "freedom of speech"
    2) They murder 12 people (or how many?).
    4) They don't like it? and murder more people
    5) We SHUT down another Mosque & exile their clerics.
    We don't play by their primitive medi-evil laws of the 7 century!


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