13 April 2011

That's the way I see it...

Ann Barnhardt is now an American Thinker contributor.  (They grow up so fast!)  In her first article, she points out how the Islamic propensity toward inbreeding can't be doing their culture or their thought processes much good.  While some folks in the comments take issue with her math(I won't comment, my math skills suck on steroids), one commenter definitely understands what we're facing and how to deal with it:

Posted by: CarolineTheInfidel
Apr 13, 07:30 AM

Islam does not teach the same sort of compassion for the other that virtually every other religion including today's "secular humanism" teaches. Muslims murder and torture each other without compunction and their own ummah, "brotherhood" has no condemnation to offer. That's because they don't value individual human life the way Christian westerners do. It's not a concept in Islam, which means it's not a concept in Muslims "hearts and minds". Their hearts and minds instead understand what Allah teaches them in the Koran, namely, the Collective Will to Power.

When will our leaders understand this? And moreover understand that it is necessary in the end to treat Muslims in the way they themselves understand moral principles? Which ultimately means that they must be beaten back and vanquished and humiliated by a greater strength. That is clearly what they understand. Every move to win their hearts and minds only strengthens them, emboldens them to advance their own peculiar ethics of the world, which couldn't give a damn about "hearts and minds", as we understand the term. They will accept the shehada from anyone they can swindle and connive to recite it while at the same time are willing to kill anyone who leaves Islam. Whatever it takes to build the army of Islamic soldiers is what their ethics is about.

There is no way of avoiding the reality that the adults in this world are going to have to act like adults and step up and slap, and in a big way, Muslims who have made of their own societies the equivalent of "Lord of the Flies" and who now threaten to overrun every more advanced society with their mayhem. We're going to have to come to terms this reality. Either that or it's simply going to be cruel for all of us, with no kindness in sight, and possibly no one left to come and rescue us off an Island from Hell that in our passivity and cowardice we allowed to be taken over by moral pygmies.

Ms. Infidel, I believe you have it surrounded.  Excellent analysis.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, I believe that our leaders DO understand this.

    I agree 100% that this is an excellent analysis.


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