01 January 2012

Fight! Fight!

I do enjoy the writings of both Mr. Williamson and Mr. Alger.  I consider them both rational thinkers with plenty of great points to make.  But, on the issue of the First Amendment vs. the others, I'm gonna have to agree that Michael Williamson swung and whiffed on his interpretation.

First off, the First Amendment is a limit placed on Congress, and no other entity. It is the only one of the Amendments making up the Bill of Rights that does so. All of the others assert absolute and universal proscriptions on behavior that limits or infringes individual rights. Universal. No actor may infringe -- public or private. A property owner may deny you access, but if he does so because you choose to go armed, he is violating your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, and -- as the actual text says -- the right "shall not be infringed." Not by Congress, or the States, or your city government, or your neighbor.
RTWT at BabyTrollBlog...and make sure you're wearing your tactical undies. 

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