27 January 2012


Once a term denoting those who sought political and intellectual freedom, it has become an insult and an accusation.  (If you're not insulted by being called a Liberal these days, you're Part Of The Problem.)  James Lewis elaborates at American Thinker:

They are deeply troubled people, and they can only live with themselves by ranting at good and decent, normal people. Michael Moore has to think of a new and more vicious slander to throw at us, to keep down his own knowledge of irredeemable guilt.

There is no moral difference between the radical left and the Nazis, and they must know that elementary fact from Politics 101.

Which brings me back to my title. Liberalism used to mean the love of political freedom.  Real liberals used to read Locke, Mill, Voltaire, the Founders, the political wisdom of the Western Enlightenment. Today self-labeled 'liberals' love mass murderers and those who justify mass murder: Karl Marx, the post-modern 'philosophers', the totalitarian left, Thomas Friedman, the New York Times and Islamic fascism. Like any utopian cult, these pseudo-liberals justify it all, not by the horrors of the past (which cannot be justified at all) but by some dream image of the future. The next time they'll get it right! Because they have good intentions, you see.

Yeah...I seem to remember hearing there's a road somewhere that's paved with good intentions.  Wonder where it goes...?

RTWT.  You can sputter, scream, hurl invectives or turn your head.  But you cannot deny the truth:  What constitutes 'Liberalism' today is ignorance, insanity or evil. 

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