08 January 2012

Why do we chafe at regulations?

Because common sense is the American way, and regulating every single aspect of human behavior annihilates the whole concept.  My homegirl NOOAI elaborates here:

These questions sound reasonable at first blush, but (aside from the whole running out of money to pay for it problem) we can glimpse the truth of the matter in situations like this one.

When we try to control the behavior of our fellow citizens (yes, even when they are corporation-y or bankish), right down to the smallest detail, we don’t get rid of abuses of power.  We don’t get everyone the healthcare they need.  We don’t get insert a well-meaning goal here.

We get lunacy.  We get a guy who can’t benefit from the good luck of accidentally catching a giant tuna.  We get an amazing charitable cooperative enterprise between individuals, governments, and businesses–stopped in its tracks.
RTWT.  If this doesn't blow up your WTF-meter, you're definitely part of the problem.

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