18 January 2012

Mitt Romney: The ULTIMATE "wasted vote."

"If you're voting for Romney because you think he's a Conservative, you're wrong.

"If you're voting for Romney because you think he can beat Obama, you're wrong again."

And while we're at it, if you think a Romney Presidency will differ in any meaningful way from another four years of Obummer, you're way past wrong and headed for certifiably insane.  Romney and Obummer are both hardcore statists.  No matter which of them wins, we get more government intervention jammed up our asses without lube.

And as for the same old, tired nonsense about 'we have to get behind the most-electable candidate,' just forget about us falling for that bullcrap again.  D00d.  You're betting on the guy who got beat by the guy who got beat by Obummer the last time?*  You call that 'electability?'

Here's a vivisection of Mittens that beats the LSM to the punch, starring our favorite spitfire.  Get some food and beverages ready, because it's 52.5 minutes.  Suck it up and watch it anyway--consider it an opportunity to give your attention span a workout.  You'll need it.

The creators of this video have most definitely earned the 10th-ever W&PO Award For Extreme Cleverness.  EPIC.

*  And I maintain that only the addition of Governor Palin as VP kept Juan McSame from being stomped like a Klansman in Compton.

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