11 April 2012

Wise words on tribal thinking. Also: The 'legal' lynching commences.

NoOneOfAnyImport hipped me to this article in a comment a couple of posts back (sorry it took me this long to read it!) and this may be one of the most insightful dissections of America's racial strife in, like, EVER.

Here’s the thing: I think that certain types of tribalism are beneficial to those within and even without some sets of tribal boundaries. Some years back, Bill Whittle famously expounded on the tribe of Sheepdogs, those rough men—and, sometimes, women--who make it their business to protect sheep from the wolves of this world. “You choose your tribe,” said Bill, and allowing oneself that choice is the province of rational actors. This isn’t to say that one should separate self from one’s racial, ethnic, national, or ideological tribe. However, it is to say that blindly following each one of the presumed norms of the tribe into which one was born is folly and it is the province of tribal actors. That is the place where into which all too many of my fellow black Americans find ourselves locked, mentally and emotionally.

Through this mindset, black Americans have become the organized Left's shock troops in latter’s war against America and all too many of us have become the Left's overseers, tasked to force the "deserters" back into formation using the tools of ridicule and shame. I almost said that the Left was at war with black people, but the Left doesn't esteem blacks enough to deem us as their enemies. We are merely tools to be used for the task at hand—to foment violent racial discord which will have to be put down using infinitely stronger government violence--and to be discarded when the task is completed, assuming that there will be any of us left after the New Civil War. And we let ourselves be used for one reason: tribal vengeance; for slavery and for oppression.

I submit that the Obama Administration, representing black Americans and no others, declared a tribal war against white Americans when Attorney General Eric Holder refused to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party after the latter's blatant violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Department of Justice’s inaction sent a message mirroring that of the US Supreme Court Dred Scott decision (1857): that the white man has no rights which the black man is bound to respect. Leftist ideology has been inculcated into black Americans for quite some time now and one of the strategies of this process has been to keep alive racial anger and the desire for tribal vengeance for past oppression. The Obama Administration's inaction in the above matter was merely a formal declaration, but the anger has long been simmering and, all too often, it boils over. Am I exaggerating? I don’t think so. And I think that many Americans have gotten the message.

(Do I even have to point out that Baldilocks is now on TIPB?)  I wonder if the whole 'tribal thought' thing also renders its subscribers incapable of recognizing others as individuals, hence the inability of Black activists to see any White person--no matter their actions--as anything other than an enemy.

On the subject, Mr. Zimmerman has been charged with 2nd-Degree MurderRacists are calling for vigilante violence.  And the situation deteriorates further with every word out of the mouths of scumbag racebaiters and every inaction from our misnamed Department of Justice.

Pray and prepare, folks.  I fear the shit's about to get real.


  1. "...the whole 'tribal thought' thing also renders its subscribers incapable of recognizing others as individuals ..."

    It certainly does. But it's not the melanin level of the race-baiters (Sharpton, et al) that animates this universal truth. It's their ideology.

    Leftist ideology / politics is collectivist (tribal) at its very core - which *requires* not seeing anyone as an individual. Everyone is grouped and separated into collections in every thought pattern under this ideology. Practiced over time, this cognition leads to an inability to even think in terms of "individuals."

    1. Absolutely correct. Sorry if I gave the impression that it had anything to do with color--we all know that there are tons of groups that are tools of the Oppressives. Color just happened to be the subject on the table.

  2. Thank you for reading, linking, and for the compliment. BTW, what's TIPB?

    I pray that more and more Americans see how we are being manipulated through our pride. All the best and God bless!


    1. TIPB is "The Infinite Political Blogroll" over in the sidebar. (It used to be "The Infinite Blogroll," but I recently had cause to redo the whole thing and decided to have separate blogs for Mostly Politics and General Weird Crap.)

      May the Lord bless and keep you and yours, and keep up the piercing insight. I'll keep passing it on. :)


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