31 July 2015

The VERY last word on the Stars & Bars

Publicola's rejoinder to the Anarchangel.  Another long one...

Now that you've presumably read it, I disagree with Mr. Byrne's base assertion - that the confederate battle flag is a symbol of hatred towards black folks. I agree that some if not many black people have this view, but in general it's not quite what it seems.

When a person sees the flag that once flew over the Army of Northern Virginia, they don't see it a as symbol of hatred. They see it as a symbol of The South. They view The South as something that represents hatred. They're gravely mistaken, but that's what they see.

What was missed in that very well thought out post is what southerners see, specifically southerners that grew up in the 1960's through 1990's.

 Lots of things to think about on both sides.  Make up your own mind.

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