05 May 2015

Nothing sinister here,move along...

There is a completely rational explanation for this.  And it's a total coincidence.  And it didn't happen anyway and STFU YOU RACIST TEABAGGER!!

There is no debate. I am living proof that there was a widespread political witch hunt and criminal conspiracy within the IRS. It is also proof that this scandal extended beyond the IRS to high-level Democrats -- including a specific Democratic U.S. Senator. It's all in black and white in my personal IRS tax files. These are facts.

My files have been turned over to U.S. Senate investigators. I stand ready and eager to testify.

Now it’s time for the mainstream media to do their job and connect the dots. 

"Now it’s time for the mainstream media to do their job and connect the dots."  Yeah, right, bro.  Just like the whole U.S. Senate investigation amounting to anything other than empty words, that'll happen right around the Fifteenth of Never.  There is no 'mainstream media' anymore.  Now it's the Mushroom Media, so named because they keep us in the dark and feed us bullshit.

You STILL don't understand what you're dealing with.  Does this make more sense now??

Man, I'm really getting frustrated with this nonsense.  I can understand your average blindly clueless individual believing that we still have a rule of law, but come on!  Mr. Root, you're obviously intelligent enough to see the truth--does it scare you so much that you just don't want to?

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