10 August 2010

"Tolerance" Jiu-Jitsu

We here at "Weird & Pissed Off" do hereby present Mr. Greg Gutfeld with the first-ever W&PO Award For Extreme Cleverness.

In a truly inspired application of Alinsky's Fourth Rule, he is forcing the Dhimmi Left to confront their own intolerance...by opening a Muslim-friendly gay bar right next door. And, apparently, he's serious.

Not an idea that would play well with Christians or Jews vis-a-vis property adjacent to a church or temple, but oh well: If we’re going to celebrate tolerance regardless of the sensitivities of the surrounding area, let’s celebrate! And the best part? Because, as we’ve been assured many times, the “Park51″ cultural center will be a model of moderation, gay Muslim men don’t have to worry about being seen entering Gut’s establishment. Flaunt it all you want, fellas; you’re in Moderate Town, U.S.A., on that block. I look forward to the congratulatory Mike Bloomberg press conference.

RTWT @ iOwnTheWorld.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding Greg Gutfeld's Gay Bar!

    The Ground Zero Victory Mosque is a well publicized example of a general phenomenon: Mosques mean trouble! In Europe (and soon in America), wherever Mosques are built, the locals can say goodbye to their homes, streets, neighborhoods and eventually their towns.


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