31 October 2010

The Left...

...summarized in four paragraphs.

It’s very important for people on the left to believe they are popular, part of the in crowd. The cool people. They really do value group think, while conservatives tend to value independence more.

When Dem voters didn’t support Obama, that was the left’s first tactic, to shun you and kick you out of your designated “group.” Poof, you were declared to be no longer black, or female, or gay, or liberal, or a feminist. You were no longer one of the cool kids, you were mocked as an oddball and cast away to the wilderness.

That is why the exaggerated crowd estimates are so important to them. That’s why pretending they will not lose bad on Tuesday is important. It’s peer pressure. They are trying to cling to this idea that they are the majority and anybody who doesn’t subscribe to their ideals is just a weirdo, an extremist. There could be only 8 lefties left in the whole darn country and they would still declare their ideals as the norm.

After they get creamed on Tuesday, we will be subjected to the usual crap about how the elections were all stolen and voters are stupid and how only they know what’s best for this country. They won’t even consider that they may have driven people away or that perhaps some of their ideas weren’t so good. Instead they’ll claim the rest of the country is stupid or immoral and simply not worthy of being in the club.
Yep, that's about the size of it.  As for me, I agree with Groucho Marx--I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member.  Especially one which is clearly composed of insane people.  When you continue to engage in irrational behavior, repeatedly and with vigor, while being convinced that everyone else is simply 'too stupid to understand your genius?'  You are not a genius--you are insane.

I both anticipate November second, and dread November third.  Delusional people usually react in an extremely negative manner to being called on their madness.  Keep your powder dry.

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