28 November 2010

More dispatches from the Palinista Front

Via Breitbart, Dr. Gina Loudon on Sarah's all-but-certain-at-this-point 2012 run:

Even if they are quiet, there are those conservatives who struggle with a female president. Dr. Dathan Paterno, noted psychologist and author says the reality is, that there WILL be a woman president in the near future—that it is in the American psyche. What happens if conservatives choose NOT to nominate Sarah Palin? Certainly the liberals will nominate a woman soon, and then they continue the whining about sexism that has worked for them for so long.


Her nomination presents a real conundrum for liberals and establishment parties of all stripes. If the Republicans nominate Sarah Palin, how will the liberals continue to accuse the right of being sexist? Where will the feminists go to find their beloved glass ceiling victim status? If she has outspoken gay supporters who don’t disagree with her stance that this is a Judeo Christian republic with a founding document that matters more than someone’s sexual preference, then how will the militant gays continue to relegate Christians to radical, homophobic, hating extremists? If a family woman, a mom, can (based on her Christian principle) in fact love someone that the liberals say she hates, then what do liberals do with that? If the constitutional conservatives progress this nation to nominate the first female nominee for president, then how do liberals continue to abuse labels like “progressive” and “tolerant”?

Conservatives have their own issues. First, from a GOP perspective, consultants use their experience with the apparatus to be hired by candidates to run their campaigns. How will they do that if someone climbed to the top on a different tree? Some conservatives may struggle with her rebuke of legalistic philosophy in lieu of one that favors real liberty, and Christ-like love, even for those who live or believe differently than you. Perhaps most difficult for some conservatives to admit–When a woman like Sarah Palin is President, how to we reconcile our own sideline behavior without tremendous guilt? I wish I had a good answer to that last one.

This country couldn't have been founded without the right people, in the right place, at the right time.  We wouldn't have saved the world from the tyranny of fascism or communism(same thing) without the right people, in the right place, at the right time.

Now we face a new crisis:  the destruction of our Republic from within, and the submission of the United States of America to a globalist one-world system.  It's not a conspiracy theory--the 'conspirators' are completely open and up front about what they intend to do.  And if we stand a chance in hell of winning this battle, it's going to take the right people, in the right places, at the right time.  It's going to take Sarah Palin, in the White House, on 1-20-13.

Oh, yes...and while we're on the subject, Legal Insurrection puts the haters under his microscope here.  Commenter turfmann lays down the ultimate argument for President Palin a little later.

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