07 November 2010

Something's got to give...

The Bayou Renaissance Man opines on a subject I've been leery of discussing.  A vast percentage of America--the Parasite Class--has decided that the Productive Class owes them a living, and they intend to force the rest of us to subsidize them forever.  In turn, the Productive Class is getting dangerously close to having had quite enough of this crap.

This is not good.  If we don't find a solution to this problem quickly, our Republic will see horrors not experienced upon our shores since the Civil War.  But what can we do?  Any attempt to cut the 'benefits' to the Parasite Class will be met with riots, hysteria, and likely violence.  However, we have no choice.  In the name of some twisted version of 'compassion,' we've let things get to what I fear may be the point of no return.

I wish I knew the answer.

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