04 November 2010

Where do we go from here?

Gay Cynic muses that the latest election isn't so much a mandate as a warning.

And the warning isn't exclusively for Democrats, not by the remotest stretch of the imagination. The RINO's, the Old Guard, the Falwellista's, and the fear and hate-mongers of the right and left should, in fact, quiver in their boots - we teeter, as a nation, upon the verge of an awakening...the giant in, if not all of us, enough of us awakening to the potential and the wonder that is America, to the never-to-be-met but worthwhile effort to be the freest, most just, and the wealthiest nation on earth - where "liberty and justice for all" is far more than a catch phrase. They, on the other hand, teeter on the edge of irrelevance as a new political sensibility, drawing from both the right and the left to forge a new center, begins to evolve in an environment where communication is beyond the control of any institution or party.
We, as a nation, have struck out on a new journey.  The question is whether our destination involves a halo or a handbasket.

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