15 November 2010

Something you need to think about

Since Hottie With An Evil Pink Rifle/I Am Dagny has a Blog-That-Is-Not-A-Blog, I shall repost her text in its entirety here because I can't figure out how to permalink to it.

The real terror in the TSA groping situation
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 15, AD 2010 10:56 AM MST
Go to DrudgeReport.com for all of the links and video clips on people being sexually assaulted by the TSA. It is horrifying. This morning, Drudge has this picture with the headline "The Terrorists Have Won".

Yeah, that is a muslim woman in a hijab vaginally groping a habited nun. One quick point in the spirit of saying the things that no one else will say: That muslim woman shouldn't be allowed within a five mile radius of any airport. Since we are in a state of declared war with islam, and it is muslims, and exclusively muslims, who are trying to hijack and blow up planes, this woman runs a very high risk of being an enemy plant who has been sent to work in the airport in order to facilitate a muslim bombing conspiracy. Anyone who says otherwise is either completely stupid, completely deluded, or a muslim engaging in taqiyyah. Period.

But on to my main point. I watched the YouTube videos made by the guy in San Diego wherein he was told he must submit to either a naked X-ray or a sexual assault in order to pass through airport security. When he refused, he was escorted out of the airport and THEN told that he would be charged and fined $10,000 for NOT submitting to the naked X-ray or the sexual assault.

All of this is horrible enough. But THIS is what makes my blood run cold: Americans are doing this to other Americans. This isn't being done to us by an invading, occupying force. Americans are happily doing this to EACH OTHER. Our culture is so far gone, that average Americans are completely devoid of any morality or ability to independently discern right from wrong. Modern Americans are either unwilling or unable to EMPATHIZE with other people. "How would I feel if someone did that to me?" Isn't this the Golden Rule?

We are so far gone as a culture that if you give someone a salary they will literally do ANYTHING they are told without question. "Grope that man's penis and testicles". "Squeeze that woman's breasts." "Prod the genitals of that terrified, screaming child."

Many people have discounted the extreme danger of the Obama regime because they argue that Obama doesn't have an army like the SS. I beg to differ. Obama's army is everywhere. Obama's army is the average American citizen who will do anything to anyone in exchange for money. And more terrifyingly, these TSA people seem to absolutely relish and luxuriate in their power over others. They aren't being paid an enormous salary. Part of their "compensation" appears to be the high they get from being given this kind of power over other human beings.
If you aren't making the connection between this and the Nazi Brownshirts, SS and Gestapo, and all of the other groups of Marxist henchmen that have quickly emerged from a culture whenever Marxists have come to power - you should be. Some of my historian readers can correct me here if I'm wrong, but I don't believe that there is a record of Hitler ever actually, physically killing anyone himself. He had thousands upon thousands of completely willing thugs to do that for him. Where did those thugs come from? They came out of the German people - right out of the heart of the German people. They were young and old, male and female, and mostly average, everyday people. They traded their souls in exchange for a steady paycheck and food rations. If the TSA can easily recruit tens of thousands of people now, just wait until inflation kicks in, gas is $15.00 per gallon and food is scarce. What is Obama's approval rating today? 45% plus or minus. That means that we can expect nearly half of the people in this country to sell-out and join Obama's army should the time come.

The terror is that we have all spent out lives telling ourselves that it could never happen here because we are AMERICANS, and AMERICANS would never, ever turn on each other that way. Americans are fundamentally good, decent people who understand and cherish freedom. Americans FIGHT tyranny - we don't participate in it.

Maybe that was true once, but it isn't true anymore. And the TSA is the living, breathing proof of that. There are not words to describe how bad this situation is. It is far worse than any of us ever, ever imagined.
Emphasis mine.  Read this over and over again.  Think about it.
Is this your America?


  1. I was going to post this on my site, it is just too funny. The Japanese spoofing of our TSA. Well worth a look and a laugh.


  2. I saw that one...if you speed it up and add saxophone, you've got a new Benny Hill skit.


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