07 December 2010

Chicken Soup for the Palinista's Soul II

Sundance Cracker once again brings the truth.

Every time we elect a Romney or McCain or allow the virus of doubt insinuated by the likes of a Karl Rove or the legacy media to occupy our better judgment we compromise something. We surrender, we expose our soft underbellies to elitism. All above and so much more are people who are essentially of the elitist class. They all have something to loose, POWER, and by consequence wealth.


See it is time to make the choice. Right now; and I believe this is the last time you and I will have choices. You have to choose not what these morally entitled elitists are telling you is right for you, which is them telling you what is right because it benefits them or their agenda, but what is not right and right for you. You still have this instrument of Liberty, your instrument of independence and freedom.

There so many of them, they are all really the same, left right middle, it don’t matter, they hold all the power and wealth, they are omnipotent and full of arrogance, they are not our friends or our allies, they are of an entirely separate class beholden to none of us but try everything to make us believe we are one of them, they are our best friends. Think about the lies and bullshit they all feed us with their silver spoons, but never allow that spoon to leave their grasp.

RTWT @ HoneyTrail.

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