02 December 2010

Disillusionment and hope

Well, I've tried like hell to stay out of this whole mess, but it looks like HillBuzz isn't exactly all it was cracked up to be.  A massive defection occurred recently, spawning a new site populated by many of the ex-Buzzers.  The rundown is here.

I cannot, in all good concience, leave HB on my list of blogs.  However, I will not delete the posts or links concerning the site.  Perhaps I was taken in, but so were a lot of folks.  It happens.  While Mr. DuJan's character may be questionable, he remains one hell of a convincing writer.  No matter his motivations, he inspired a whole lot of people to a whole lot of great things.  What turned my life around wasn't Mr. DuJan's writing so much as the wonderful Americans it attracted.  And though the veil has been lifted, that crew of wonderful people still hang together and look out for each other.

Maybe "unintended consequences" is just another term for "God's will."  Drop by HoneyTrail and meet some fine people!

UPDATE:  HoneyTrail has now become The Last Refuge, due to infiltration by backstabbing jerks.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks. Someone at honeytrail was thoughtful enough to link over here.

    FYI I mentioned your "no longer an atheist" article, via a link on facebook. I thought it would be an encouragement to others. Awesome God.


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