15 December 2010

Tolerance has its limits.

Let's get something out of the way now:  all cultures are not created equal.  Yes, some are better than others.  Yes, some are more advanced than others.  Yes, some are more successful than others--for a reason.  Call me whatever names you want, that still won't make me wrong.

On the heels of that highly disturbing video I linked to in the last post, I present an extremely alarming trend which appears to be on the rise in America:  The concept of interpreting American law in accordance with the defendants' cultural and/or religious beliefs.  This concept is very interesting, mainly due to the fact that it is clear and present evidence of insanity on the part of its advocates.

We are, indeed, a country founded upon Judeo-Christian principles.  However, the law of the land is secular in nature, and for good reason.  It is the only way to ensure that a fair and equal standard applies to everyone.  The Christian, the Hindu, the Buddhist, the Jew, the Muslim, the Pagan and the atheist are all subject to the same law.  It doesn't change according to one's faith or lack thereof.  The law is what it is, it is clear and distinct,* and everyone knows what is expected of them as well as what is not tolerated.

Now, in the name of 'tolerance,' people are demanding that we elevate the religio-cultural paradigms of the accused to an equal, or even superior, level as the law of the land.  To do this is to state, point-blank, that there is no law.  That the only law is whatever you, personally, believe to be right.  Following this to its logical endpoint, I could become an Aztec, go around carving out peoples' hearts, and be immune from prosecution due to overwhelming evidence that human sacrifice is a recognized and traditional part of my faith.  Don't dismiss this as hyperbole, Oppressives--it's called 'established precedent.'  Look it up.

"ButbutbutWraith...we have to respect their culll-turrre!!"

No, actually, we don't.  You have that exactly backwards.

If I want to respect their culture(regardless of who 'they' are), I'll go to their country.  And be that country Singapore, Kenya, Egypt, Germany, Mexico or Antarctica, you can bet that I'll be there with a phrase book in hand and as much knowledge about the local customs as I can find.  I will try my level best to observe the laws and traditions of their people, because I am a guest in their house.  If I don't like it, I can leave.
(WARNING:  Watch out for the **'d link!  Read the footnote first..!)
Well, the same applies here.  When you come to our country, you will damn well speak our language, follow our laws and respect our customs, or you can plant your ass on the next boat, plane, train or UFO back to wherever you came from.  America follows the Constitution of the United States.*  Not the Constitution of the Republic of Mexico, not the Law of Moses, and especially not shari'a law.  We intolerant, backwoods, knuckle-dragging, Bible-thumping, gun-clinging redneck hicks just don't cotton too much to torture, mutilation,** rape and murder.  Maybe someday we'll learn to be sophisticated enough to appreciate things like that...

...or not.

* Granted, we've moved pretty far from these general principles, but the answer to that is to rid ourselves of confusing and unConsitutional laws, not to blur things even more.

** WARNING!!!  EXTREMELY GRAPHIC IMAGES!!!  What is seen cannot be unseen...!!

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