22 December 2010

Of divorced men and suicide

Sorry to start off the day like this, but people really need to understand just how broken the system is.

Men in this situation see no hope in living. So they give up, and take their own life.

It's not because they don't have enough friends, or meaningful social networks.

It's because they are cut off from that which they value more than their own lives: their flesh and blood offspring.

That is why divorced men are far more likely to kill themselves than divorced women.

I've seen this up close and real personal this past week.

My long time high school buddy is now just another statistic.

A statistic that is casually dismissed by gyno-centric researchers as the man's fault for not building up strong enough social networks and the male's inability to "communicate."

RTWT @ Hawaiian Libertarian.  (HT NC Gun Blog)

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