19 April 2011

"What are you doing, Jan?"

(OK, picture the title said in a HAL 9000 voice and it'll have more effect.)

I'm stunned, confused and more than a little angry.  Regular readers will recall that I've backed Governor Brewer for quite a while.  Now, I don't know what to think.

She vetoes the Campus Carry bill.  OK, perhaps she has a point about the clarity of the language involved--we all know how Leftist judges love to nitpick any concept of common sense to death.  I'll give her a pass on that.

But then she vetoes the bill requiring that people actually prove themselves to be eligible for the office of POTUS before being placed on the ballot.  While I realize that this whole 'identifying yourself' thing might be viewed as a great inconvenience to those who might not actually be Constitutionally qualified to hold the highest office in the land, I don't see it as unreasonable. 

When I apply for a new job, I must provide a clean drug test, a good physical and even--optionally--a physical fitness test at some companies.  I am required by law to submit 10 years of employment history, and if the job requires a HazMat endorsement, that's an entirely new world of submitting a criminal background check plus giving my fingerprints to Uncle Sam.  (Now that this blog's gained some notoriety, I'm not counting on a renewal.)

And I'm just a truck driver.  One would think that an applicant for the position of "Leader of the Free World" would have standards a little more stringent than those required to employ a dumbass gearjammer like myself.  One would apparently be wrong.  One would think that a conservative firebrand like Governor Brewer would welcome the chance to put the whole issue to rest now and forever.

One would apparently be wrong there, too.  It's a sad day for America and Arizona, in my view.

Who got to you, Jan?  Were you threatened, bought, or a little of both?  Inquiring minds want to know.

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