19 April 2011

Yippee-ki-yay, blogrollin'

This sitemeter thing is pretty awesome.  It's turned me on to some great stuff that I'd have never found otherwise.

I'm one of those guys who shys away from 'reciprocal blogrolls.'  If I read your stuff and I dig it, I'll add you.  I will likely not tell you so.  I'm not trying to be a dick, I just don't want folks to feel pressured to add me simply because I like their writings.  Add me only if you enjoy what I post.  If you don't, blogroll-ignore me.  I promise not to get all butt-hurt about it.

What Bubba Knows is now required reading for W&PO'ers.  I'm not on their blogroll, but they linked me twice in one post...and I sure do admire their style.  It's kind of a blog-CNN for rednecks, patriots, conservatives and other subversive types.  I'll be keeping a close eye on it, and I hope y'all do as well.

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