31 July 2011

Oh, Colonel...really?

Commenter "Grandpa" at iOTW sums up the recent actions of Allen West.  To say I'm disappointed is on the level of saying that outer space is slightly chilly.

FACT: Congressional bill #1 in 2011 was a vote to defund Obamacare. Allen West did not support it and voted NO.

FACT: Allen West voted to continue FUNDING for the fraud that is Pigford.

FACT: Rep Kings Bill to defund the Libyan war and call Obama to task on his violation of the war powers act. Allen West voted no. He voted to fund Obama’s war.

FACT: Allen West disparaged, the Tea Party with name calling. Sure he twisted himself in knots saying people misunderstood. But I heard him. There was no misunderstanding.

FACT: Allen West voted to support the raising of the Debt Ceiling. A specific platform plank he used as a talking point in his election effort at 36 different venues in speeches. He promised on 36 different public occasions to vote AGAINST raising the debt limit and borrow more money.

Principles matter, perhaps not to progressives who are comfy in the land of hypocrisy and lies, but a conservative, a real patriot, should never be comfy there or even know where the flippin place is. It shouldn’t even be on their map.
"Steadfast and loyal," Col. West?  Really?  You were elected to take a stand against the Obama regime, sir.  Remember?  What happened to that?

I need a drink.  Make that several.  :(

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