16 July 2011

The Undefeated: Perspective

We hit the first Saturday showing, and the theater was 95% full.  When we left, the line for the next showing stretched out the door.  Anyone who says that this film just 'isn't popular,' is a lying sack of crap.  Period.

The Undefeated showed me things about Governor Palin that even I hadn't known.  This is an education that needs to be spread far and wide--and quickly.  No matter what the elites try to tell us, we are the majority.  We know right from wrong, good from evil, success from failure.  There are still enough of us left to turn the tide, but it's going to take a lot of effort and unwavering commitment.  From the turnout, the spontaneous rounds of applause, and the unwavering dedication to America that I saw today, there is no doubt in my mind that we can still win the day.

God bless America, and God bless Sarah Palin and those who stand with her.

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